Sunday, March 16, 2008

This flu season has not been pleasant.I have had the flu from Jan 25th, which lead to bronchitis, which lead to asthma and still today I am coughing. And still I will not slow down with working. I really should take a few days off but I did not. Looking back I should have rested.

I am on a roll and the creative juices are flowing. Here is my new logo. This month I will also develop a line of "tropical" fragrance soaps. I am working on the styles now for pineapple, mango , coconut and vanilla soaps.
We also have confirmed our hotel/guest soap line with 3 fragrances: seaweed lemongrass, rose geranium and hibiscus lavender.


mic123 said...

Hey girl, you are very inspirational.
I love the logo and your soaps are beautiful. I Would love to get to the Bahamas one day. Please take care of your self!

mic123 (from the dish)

MarlaQuack said...

What a great blog! Your soaps are beautiful!