Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Depression by L. LaMendola

The Psychological Impact of Being Diagnosed With Disease

It's one thing to have Lupus, but its entirely another to be told you have a chronic life threatening disease. Oh and by the way, there is not cure for it! Being diagnosed with any disease is devastating enough, but those that have a common thread of not being treatable by mankind is quite another. There is no light at the end of the tunnel when you hear those words. It is this that starts the cycle of depression...

And who could blame you? Its not like your family's helping are they? They don't believe your sick do they? They're either scared they will have to take care of you or worse they could get it too!

That one little word, depression, makes or breaks you. Are you going to just wither away and let yourself be defeated or are you going to go within? Go find your God and ask for answers? If you don't then you will die....emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Not all at once, oh no that would be to easy. No, we will let you suffer and play mind games with you until you realize that there are answers and that there is a calm after the storm and that you can find what you are looking for if you would only allow yourself to.

There's the magic word....allow. We allow ourselves to be told the worse, but we don't allow ourselves to believe beyond those words we were just have a chronic illness. We get stuck in the negative connotation of the words and sink into a hell on earth. We reach out to family and friends only to find they are far away. The depression gets worse because now I need help to do the most simple things but no one will help. No one will offer. No one cares.

Do you see how the mind can play games on you? Sure, friends may have fallen away but you haven't. You have a voice, you have a name and you have the ability to reach out beyond the cosmos to find answers. The only question you have to ask yourself is are you ready? Not everyone is, not everyone is ready to face all that is wrong in their life and work past it, even if that means discarding those in your life that cause you to stay ill in the first place. We don't like to see it.....we don't like to walk away form our friend and family. If we do then who will be there for us? The ones who love you unconditionally..... because not everyone does.

Get ready, hang on, find the courage.....the time is now. Do not let mental illness knock on your door just because you have been given a diagnosis. Its not the disease that matters, its what you do with it that does!

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