Monday, May 23, 2011

Let's talk food

Let’s talk food. “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food”
We have also heard “You are what eat”. I guess it is time we start believing it. In my “free” time, I have been studying a lot of these so called healing diets.

THE BIBLE DIET- focusing on fermented, live foods
GERSON DIET- 100% raw, plenty juice
PALEO DIET- No gluten grains, lactose free, raw foods
RAW DIET- 100% vegan raw
AUTOIMMUNE DIET- gluten free, lactose free
DR. SEBI DIET - strict vegan
ATKIN'S DIET - low carbs, high protein

One would say eat all fresh food but another would say don’t eat fruit. Dr. Sebi says do not eat carrot or seedless fruits. The Bible Diet allows you to eat organic, grass fed animal meat. The problem with 100% raw vegan diets is the lack of vitamin B12. It is so confusing....who is right?

I started wondering why do some diets have various miraculous results. With some further research , I found a lot of reports on the benefits of high dose of Vitamin C.Please note here, Vitamin C is destroyed by heat aka Cooking. I will post more about Vit C later.

Dr. Mercola has made a test available, to determine if you fit in a high veggie, high meat or in between category. He claims this is why 100% raw doesn't work for everyone, nor a high protein diet

Long story short, this is MY conclusion. Extremism is not healthy; everything should be done in moderation. MY diet includes at least 70% raw vegetable, but low carbohydrates and a small amount of good animal protein. However, I did detox with 100% raw for 30 days and many of my meals are 100% raw. Listen to you body and watch this video.

I highly recommend this movie. Do not perish for the lack of knowledge.

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