Thursday, May 19, 2011

My journey starts here!!!

As I sit here, I decided to be obedient to my son Whit and my dear friends.
I was told i had ALS in Jan 2010 then was told that I did not in Feb. Also, I was told that i had high levels of mercury and lead. I spent 2010 trying to get rid of the heavy metals. I still got worst slowly and was then discovered that i also had a gluten intolerance.

So I began 2011 on a gluten free diet, and switch to 100% raw vegan diet.

The last 17 months have been my hell on earth and i times, I feel like i am being buried alive as i grew weaker.

The good news is that there has been some improvement lately.

This is my bitter cup that I have to take for God's greater good.
Stay tune as i try to post daily on my amazing journey back to life.

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